Office of
International Affairs

Issuance of D-4 VISA(Alien card)
Visa Group application with the required documents at CBNU OIS office
- Required documents for Alien card application
  1. Application
  2. 1 Passport photo
  3. Certificate of Attendance issued by school
  4. Proof of residence
    • - In case of dormitory stay, it is issued by school
    • - In case of off-campus stay, the room contract is required. (If the contract is not under the student’s name,
        the contractor’s ID card and certificate of residence are additionally required.)
  5. Medical certificate of Tuberculosis(TB)
  6. Commission
  7. Passport

You MUST extend your VISA before the VISA date on the back side of your alien card, becomes expired. (If the expiration date passes, you will be fined more than 200,000 won.)

Required document for VISA extension
  1. Application
  2. Certificate of Attendance, Proof of tuition payment, Certificate of grades issued by school
  3. Proof of residence(In terms of off-campus residence, the room contract is required.(If the contract is not under
      the student’s name, the contractor’s ID card and certificate of residence are additionally required.)
  4. Commission
  5. Passport
  6. Reissuance by changing your card : Commission, 1 Passport photo
※Restriction of VISA extension
Restriction of sojourn for poor attendance students
  1. If the attendance is below 70%, one time of excuse letter is allowed. If the attendance becomes below 70% two times in a row, extension of sojourn is restricted.
  2. If the attendance is below 50% and poor academic situation is revealed, extension of sojourn is restricted without acceptable excuse.

If any foreigner who has already completed foreigner registration, changes his/her residence, he/she MUST make a report to the new Immigration Bureau within 14 days.
Why should I report?
Once any foreigner who has already completed foreigner registration, changes his/her residence.
When to report by?
Within 14 days after moving in
Where to report?
The new Immigration Bureau where your new residence belongs to
Required documents
- Passport and Alien card - Proof of residence(In terms of off-campus residence, the room contract is required.(If the contract is not under
  the student’s name, the contractor’s ID card and certificate of residence are additionally required.)
※If you do not make a residence change report within 14 days after you move in, you will be fined less than 1,000,000won pertaining to violation of Embassy Management Law article 36.