Exchange program
※ Students have to submit the insurance policy before departure.
2015, A registration for International student insurance is essential. International students are required to join international student insurance to prevent a disease or an injury while you stay in Korea. Please prevent any disease or injury by joining to the insurance.
There is no limit to a foreign insurance company and also the guarantee about a disease and an injury should be involved.
In addition, Students who do not join to the insurance can be limited to apply for courses.
National Health Insurance(NHIS)
※ NHIS is automatically applied and then you have to pay the fee each month. If you do not pay the fee, you have problem in health insurance benefits at medicak care institutions, extension of Visa.
★All the exchange students should apply both study abroad/International students insurance and NHIS. If you do not follow this rule, you cannot register the courses.★
Insurance [Study Abroad or International Student Insurance]
※ Students have to submit the insurance policy before departure.
2015, A registration for International student insurance is essential. International students are required to join international student insurance to prevent a disease or an injury while you stay in Korea. Please prevent any disease or injury by joining to the insurance.
There is no limit to a foreign insurance company and also the guarantee about a disease and an injury should be involved.
In addition, Students who do not join to the insurance can be limited to apply for courses.
A. After checking virtual account number, deposit the insurance fees
※ Checking list Download
- Coverage Limit
- Insurance Policy
- How to claim insurance payment
B. Korea Private Insurance homepage click on the URL as below
※ Note : Should check ‘Course – Exchange student’
National Health Insurance(NHIS)
※ NHIS is automatically applied and then you have to pay the fee each month. If you do not pay the fee, you have problem in health insurance benefits at medicak care institutions, extension of Visa.
★All the exchange students should apply both study abroad/International students insurance and NHIS. If you do not follow this rule, you cannot register the courses.★