[(Revised) Alien Registration For New Students Of 2020 Spring]
From now on, 'Alien registration' for 2020 spring new students will be excuted in a way of not 'Individual Application', but 'Group Application'.
Please submit the required documents below before Mar. 16, 2020.
1. Why only 'Group Application'?: The Ministry of Justice requires us to refrain doing individual application for Alien registration in order to prevent the spread of Corona 19.
2. Who: For 2020 Spring semester's new coming students
3. Date and Time: Mar. 16, 2020 -> Mar. 20, 2020
4. Where to submit: #151, Office of International Services(N10), Chungbuk National University
5. The required documents
- Application form(The attachments)
- ID photo(Passport photo)
- A copy of Passport
- A copy of VISA
- Fee 30,000won(KRW)
- Proof of Residence(Certificate of Residence by CBNU dormitory or Room(원룸) contract)