International Affairs
[20210217] Korea-ASEAN Webinar: Responses from Higher Education to Global Pandemic | 작성일 | 2021.03.12 | 조회수 | 4,161 |
The Korea Council for University Education held an international webinar jointly with the ASEAN University Network (AUN) on February 17 (Wednesday) under the theme of the Korea-ASEAN Higher Education COVID-19 response.
A total of 896 people from 22 countries registered for the international webinar, and more than 500 people watched it through real-time YouTube streaming channels. Government officials, international organizations, universities, and students participated as speakers and exchanged various opinions on the responsesfrom Higher Education to Global Pandemic.
[15.00-15.30 Opening Remarks]
• Dr.Incheol Kim, Chairperson, KCUE • Dr.Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director, AUN
15.30-16.00 KeynotePresentation: Post COVID-19Strategies and Guidelines forHigher Education
• UndersecretaryJesus Lorenzo R. Mateo, Chairman, ASEANSOM-ED • Dr.HongGyu Hwang, Secretary General, KCUE
[16.00-17.00 Session I: Readjustingthe Campus:Universities Adapting to a Pandemic Environment]
• Good Practice on Physical-LearningCampus safety (Dr. Joyce Teo Siew Yean, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Vice President, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) • University Campus Safety Protocol (Prof. Bae, Sang Hoon, Vice President for Student Affairs, SungKyunKwan University) • Online Learning Education Practices and Strategy (ProfessorVenky Shankararaman, Vice-Provost., Singapore Management University) • OnlineLearning and Exam Regulations in Korea (Prof. JUNG, Jin Sup, Dean, Office of International Affairs, Chungbuk National University)
★Reference(출처): Youtube '대학어디가TV(—MysGMRyBaim2i0OYXe2g)'