Office of
International Affairs

[20210217] Korea-ASEAN Webinar: Responses from Higher Education to Global Pandemic 작성일 2021.03.12 조회수 4,161

The Korea Council for University Education held an international webinar jointly with the ASEAN University Network (AUN) on February 17 (Wednesday) under the theme of the Korea-ASEAN Higher Education COVID-19 response.

A total of 896 people from 22 countries registered for the international webinar, and more than 500 people watched it through real-time YouTube streaming channels. Government officials, international organizations, universities, and students participated as speakers and exchanged various opinions on the responsesfrom Higher Education to Global Pandemic.


[15.00-15.30 Opening Remarks]

• Dr.Incheol Kim, Chairperson, KCUE • Dr.Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director, AUN

15.30-16.00 KeynotePresentation: Post COVID-19Strategies and Guidelines forHigher Education

• UndersecretaryJesus Lorenzo R. Mateo, Chairman, ASEANSOM-ED • Dr.HongGyu Hwang, Secretary General, KCUE

[16.00-17.00 Session I: Readjustingthe Campus:Universities Adapting to a Pandemic Environment]

• Good Practice on Physical-LearningCampus safety (Dr. Joyce Teo Siew Yean, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Vice President, Universiti Brunei Darussalam) • University Campus Safety Protocol (Prof. Bae, Sang Hoon, Vice President for Student Affairs, SungKyunKwan University) • Online Learning Education Practices and Strategy (ProfessorVenky Shankararaman, Vice-Provost., Singapore Management University) • OnlineLearning and Exam Regulations in Korea (Prof. JUNG, Jin Sup, Dean, Office of International Affairs, Chungbuk National University) 




★Reference(출처): Youtube '대학어디가TV(—MysGMRyBaim2i0OYXe2g)'

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