2025 Spring Admission Tuition Deadline Extended till Jan. 25(2025 전기 외국인특별전형 합격자 추가 등록 1.25.(토)) | 작성일 | 2025.01.22 | 조회수 | 153 |
A. Tuition Payment Deadline
★★★ Extended Deadline for Payment: Jan. 23, 2025 9AM - Jan. 25, 2025 11PM(KST)
* Applicants who missed the original deadline for Tuition payment will be excluded from the applicant list of dormitory on campus.
- Bill Print Out: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* English instruction is attached below.
* You must make a payment to the account number on your own tuition bill.
(Every student has different account numbers)
* Please complete the payment 2 days at least before the due date in terms of business hours
since the process for int'l transactions takes a couple of days to go through.
* Information of Bank
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea Swift code: NACFKRSEXXX Approval code: 304050 |
등록금 납부
가. 등록금 납부일정
★★★ 추가 납부기간 2025.1.23.(목) 오전 9시 ~ 2025.1.25.(토) 오후 11시 <1일간> (한국표준시)
* 당초 등록금 납부기간을 놓친 추가기간 등록금 납부(예정)자는 학생생활관(기숙사) 입주 불가함
- 등록금고지서 출력: https://eis.cbnu.ac.kr/cbnuLogin(◀ Click)
* 등록금 납부에 관한 사항은 아래 첨부된 등록금 납부 설명서[HOW TO PAY THE TUITION]를 참고할 것
* 반드시 등록금고지서에 나와있는 계좌번호로 입금할 것(개인별로 계좌번호가 다름)
* 모든 합격자(해외송금)는 가급적 납부마감일 최소 2일 전 입금완료할 것(은행업무 처리기간 소요)
* 은행정보
Name of Bank: Nong Hyup Bank Address of Bank: 1, Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea Swift code: NACFKRSEXXX Approval code: 304050 |