Office of
International Affairs

Notice on Measles-related move-in documents for the students for the year 2024 작성일 2024.06.04 조회수 1,240

Due to concerns over the recent outbreak of measles among foreign students in Korea, we are applying the following occupancy qualifications to ensure a safe educational environment. We ask for the active cooperation of the dormitory students.

When move-in to dormitory, the proof of measles vaccination certificate requested from the Ministry of Education.


Enforcement date : 2024. May. 17th ~

Move-in qualification : completion of measles vaccination(A total of 2 dose required)

Submission target : All international students moving in for the 2nd semester of the year 2024

Submission period : Regular move-in day for the 2nd semester of the year 2024(2024. Aug. 31st ~ Sep. 1st)

Document to be submitted

: Certificate of measles vaccination (A total of 2 dose)

OR Measles antibody examination proof (positive)

Document language : Korean, Chinese, English

Exception applied : Among dormitory student who move-in for the 1st semester of the year 2024 and continue to stay in the Korea during summer vacation period can replace it with a certificate of immigration proof.

Certificate of immigration proof : Eligible only issued after 26th Aug. 2024.

Submission period : Regular move-in day for the 2nd semester of the year 2024 (2024. Aug. 31st ~ Sep. 1st)

Submission place : Submit in writing to the move-in reception desk on the 1st floor of each building (Myeongdeok, Jiseon)


If the move-in document are not submitted with the deadline or if it get lost, move-in procedure will be refused (cancelled).


2024. May. 28th