Architectural Engineering

Architectural Engineering Program
Combined Ms&Ph.D or MS or ph.D.
Building Science, Building Enrgy Modeling (BEM), Data Science Academic advisor
Donghyun SEO (서동현)


Requirements & Eligibility

(요구사항 & 자격조건)


Linguistic Ability
(Necessary) Fluent in English
(Preferential) Basic to Intermediate Korean
Academic/Research Performance
  (학업/연구 수행능력)
Required: CGPA over 3.0/4.0
Preferential: Experience on BEM tools
The number of Vacancies
Joining/Starting date/month
  (채용 희망시기)
2024 Fall 
2025 Spring / Fall
Terms of Contract, Stipend/Salary/Scholarship, perks etc.
  (지원사항; (비)금전적 혜택, 장학금 등)
Monthly stipend (1,000,000 KRW MS /1,300,000 KRW Ph.D) + Incentive(based on project contribution)
Things to know
  (기타 알아야 할 사항)
Online interview and CV is required
Website of Prof. Lab.
  (연구실 홈페이지)
Website of Dept.
  (학과 홈페이지)
Prof. Contact Info.
  (담당자 문의) / ☎ 043-261-3438



Quick Links

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Academic Info.(Curriculum)
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