International Affairs
Chungbuk National University and NHG signing collaboration on academic exchange | 작성일 | 2020.08.03 | 조회수 | 1,459 |
On July 10th, 2019, Chungbuk National Unviersity and Nguyen Hoang Group(NHG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) to promote educational and academic exchange.
Accordingly, both parties will enhance the exchange of students, faculty and staff for lectures; actively participate and organize academic meetings, conferences, symposia, and seminars. In particular, students and lectures of Chungbuk National University and NHG are encouraged to share academic materials, publications, and information with each other, as well as to conduct joint research projects.
On behalf of Chungbuk National University, Dr. Jeahoon Hwang, Dean of Office of International Services highly appreciated the model of traing, learning of NHG educational system